Friday, August 13, 2010


I first have to say sorry for all of my 1 readers out there for taking so long to put up a new post. I feel like I have taken on the world in these past few weeks, and well...its winning most of the time. NYC is a very difficult and frustrating place to move into. People can make or break a move, and I don't think New Yorkers really want to make mine easy!!! Enough about that...

We have been studying the fruits of the spirit at church. Last week, we were challenged with a message on kindness. Now I know all of you that know me think I am so kind and don't need messages like this.:) As much as I would truly have to agree with you (JK), I am finding it to be a true struggle. We were each given the opportunity to take a different kindness challenge for the week. My challenge was to purchase the person behind me in line a cup of coffee. It seems like such a simple task. Unfortunately, it is proving to be very, very difficult. Here are the many reasons why...

1. I am still turned off by the smell of coffee during this pregnancy
2. I don't have a car to actually go get coffee
3. I don't ever have any cash
4. The closest coffee shop is not within walking distance
5. I have thought about buying anything for the person behind me in line, but no one has honestly been behind me in a line anywhere I have gone in the past few days.

These are legitimate excuses that I am finding to be the true challenge. When I got the card, I easy!!! Man was I fooled. My goal is to leave the house Saturday morning for the farmer's market followed by Trader Joe's. I will then go to many many coffee shops around the farmer's market in search of the poor soul who gets to have me buy coffee for them. I will not return home until this task has been accomplished. Operation: Be Kind to a NYer.

The reason for this dyer need to accomplish this is not for my own joy or benefit, although it may sound that way. The reason is Proverbs 3:3 -
"Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart."

Think about all of the impact we as Christians could make by simply being kind...